Items where Year is 1999
Number of items: 97. B
Benkner, Siegfried
Technical Report.
Benkner, Siegfried
Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems, 15 (unknow).
pp. 381-391
Benkner, Siegfried
In: Proceedings of the Workshop International Symposium on Parallel Processing
, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Benkner, Siegfried and Brandes, T.
Technical Report.
Benkner, Siegfried and Brandes, T.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd International HPF User's Group Meeting
, Redondo Beach, CA, USA
Benkner, Siegfried and Lonsdale, Guy and Zima, Hans
In: Proceedings of the EuroPar'99 Parallel Processing
, Toulouse, France
Benkner, Siegfried and Zima, Hans
Parallel Computing, 25 (unknow).
Benkner, Siegfried and Zima, Hans and Laure, E.
Technical Report.
Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems, University of Vienna
Boll, Susanne and Klas, Wolfgang
In: 8th IFIP Conference on Data Semantics (DS-8) - Semantic Issues in Multimedia Systems
, 1999-01-05
, Rotorua, New Zealand
Boll, Susanne and Klas, Wolfgang and Gruener, Andreas and Haaf, Armin
Distributed and Parallel Databases, Special issue on Internet Electronic Commerce, 7 (2).
p. 149
Boll, Susanne and Klas, Wolfgang and Wandel, Jochen
In: ACM Multimedia Presentation'99
, 1999-10-30
, Orlando, Florida, USA
Boll, Susanne and Klas, Wolfgang and Westermann, Gerd Utz
Technical Report.
University of Ulm, Germany
Boll, Susanne and Klas, Wolfgang and Westermann, Gerd Utz
In: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS '99)
, 1999-06-07
, Florence, Italy
Brandes, T. and Benkner, Siegfried
In: Proceedings of the 3rd International HPF User's Group Meeting
, Redondo Beach, CA, USA
Brezany, Peter and Bubak, M. and Czerwinski, P. and Koppler, R. and Sowa, K. and Volkert, J. and Wism?ller, R.
In: Proceedings of the Proc. of SC'99, ACM ISBN 1-58113-091-0
, Portland, Oregon, USA
Brezany, Peter and Czerwinski, P. and Koppler, R. and Sowa, K. and Volkert, J.
In: Proceedings of the Proc. ParCo99
, Delft, The Netherlands
Brezany, Peter and Grabner, S. and Sowa, K. and Wism?ller, R.
In: Proceedings of the 7th Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing
, Funchal, Portugal
Brezany, Peter and Winslett, M.
In: Proceedings of the Proc. Conference HPCN Europe 1999
, unknown
Eder, Johann and Panagos, Euthimios
In: Workshop on Cross-Organisational Workflow Management and Co-ordination
, 2006-01-05
, San Francisco, California
Eder, Johann and Panagos, Euthimios and Pozewaunig, Heinz and Rabinovich, Michael
In: 3rd International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 1999)
, 2006-04-14
, Poznan, Polen
Eder, Johann and Panagos, Euthimios and Rabinovich, Michael
In: 11th Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 1999)
, 1999-06-14
, Heidelberg, Germany
Eder, Johann and Frank, Heinz
In: 18th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 1999)
, 1999-11-15
, Paris, France
Eder, Johann and Maiden, N. and Missikoff, M
In: First International Workshop, EMRPS99, Proceedings
, 2006-01-05
, Centro Studi San Salvador, Venice
Ehold, H. J. and Gansterer, Wilfried and Kvasnicka, D. F. and Ueberhuber, C. W.
In: Fourth International ACPC Conference
, 1999-02-00
, Salzburg, Austria
Fischer, M.M. and Hlavackova-Schindler, Katerina and Reismann, Martin
IOS Press, pp. 54-59
ISBN 905199477X
Fischer, M.M. and Hlavackova-Schindler, Katerina and Reismann, Martin
ISSN 1435-5957
Foerster, Klaus-Tycho
pp. 22-23
ISSN 0941-519X
Gansterer, Wilfried and Kvasnicka, D. F. and Schwarz, Konrad and Ueberhuber, C. W.
In: Ninth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing
, 1999-03-00
, San Antonio, Texas, USA
Gansterer, Wilfried and Kvasnicka, D. F. and Ueberhuber, C. W.
In: Parallel Computation. Proceedings of the 4th International ACPC Conference
, 1999-02-16
, Salzburg, Austria
Glendinning, Ian
In: Proceedings of the Parallel Computation: Proc. 4th International ACPC Conference
, unknown
Göbl, Wolfgang
PhD thesis
Haring, Günter and Mahmoodian, A.
In: 11th International Conference on Wireless Communications
, 1999-07-01
, Canada
Haring, Günter and Mahmoodian, A.
In: IFIP 5th International TC6WG6.2 Conference on Broadband Communications
, 1999-11-01
, Hong Kong
Haring, Günter and Mahmoodian, A.
In: First IEEE/POPOV Workshop on Internet Technologies and Services
, 1999-10-01
, Moscow
Haring, Günter and Majumdar, S. and Lüthi, Johannes
Technical Report.
Dept. of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University
Hlavacs, Helmut and Kotsis, Gabriele
In: MASCOTS'99, IEEE Computer Society
, 1999-01-01
, Los Alamitos, California
Hlavacs, Helmut and Kvasnicka, D. F. and Ueberhuber, C. W.
Technical Report.
Hlavacs, Helmut and Steinkellner, C. and Kotsis, Gabriele
Technical Report.
Institute for Appl. Comp. Science and Inf. Systems, University of Vienna
Hlavacs, Helmut and Ueberhuber, C. W.
In: ACPC'99
, 1999-01-01
, Berlin, Germany
Huemer, Christian
In: 12th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference
, 1999-06-01
, Bled, Slovenia
Huemer, Christian and Tjoa, A Min
In: 3rd IEEE Meta Data Conference
, 1999-04-01
, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Klas, Wolfgang and Boll, Susanne and Westermann, Gerd Utz
In: 8. GI Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme in Büro, Technik und Wissenschaft (BTW'99)
, 1999-03-01
, Freiburg, Germany
Klas, Wolfgang and Böhm, Klemens and Aberer, Karl
Multimedia - Tools and Applications, 8 (1).
p. 25
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Klas, Wolfgang and Greiner, Christian and Friedl, Reinhard
In: IEEE Internationeal Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMS 99)
, 1999-06-07
, Florence, Italy
Klas, Wolfgang and Friedl, R. and Greiner, C.
In: 20th Annual conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatics
, 1999-09-14
, Heidelberg, Germany
Kofler, Helmut and Haunschmid, Ernst J. and Gansterer, Wilfried and Ueberhuber, C. W.
In: 4th International ACPC Conference
, 1999-02
, Salzburg, Austria
Kotsis, Gabriele
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_habil" not defined] thesis
Kotsis, Gabriele
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_habil" not defined] thesis
Laure, E.
In: Proceedings of the Proc. ParCo99
, Delft, The Netherlands
Laure, E.
In: Proceedings of the EuroPar'99 Parallel Processing
, unknown
Laure, E.
Technical Report.
Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems, University of Vienna
Mehofer, Eduard and Fahringer, T.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 57 (1).
pp. 33-63
Mehofer, Eduard and Scholz, B.
Technical Report.
Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems, University of Vienna
Merlin, J. H. and Baden, S. B. and Fink, S. J. and Chapman, B.
Future Generation Computer Systems, unknow (unknow).
Motschnig, Renate and Bouquet, P. and Brezillon, P. and Serafini, L.
In: 2nd Internat. Conference on Modeling and Using Context, CONTEXT'99
, 1999-09-01
, Springer Verlag
Motschnig, Renate and Kaasboll, Jens
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 5 (11).
p. 779
Mueller, Klaus and Möller, Torsten and Crawfis, Roger A.
In: IEEE Conference on Visualization 1999
, Oct 24 - 29
, San Francisco, California
Neumann, G. and Zdun, Uwe
In: Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC)
, Takamatsu, Japan
Neumann, G. and Zdun, Uwe
In: Proceedings of 5th Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies and Systems (COOTS'99)
, San Diego, California, USA
Neumann, G. and Zdun, Uwe
In: Proceedings of NOSA'99, Second Nordic Workshop on Software Architecture
, Ronneby, Sweden
Quirchmayr, Gerald
Internet und Intranet.
Quirchmayr, Gerald
In: Zastosowania rozwiazan informatyczych w bankowosci, Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej im
, 1999-09-28
, Wroclaw, poland
Quirchmayr, Gerald
Internet und Intranet.
Quirchmayr, Gerald and Fischer-Hübner, Simone and Yngström, Louise
Quirchmayr, Gerald and List, B. and Schiefer, J. and Tjoa, A Min
In: International Conference on Management of Information and Communication Technology
, 1999-09-01
, Copenhagen, Denmark
Sanguineti, Marcello and Hlavackova-Schindler, Katerina
In: International Conference onArtificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms, Slovenia, 1999
, 1999
, Slovenia
Schikuta, Erich
High Performance Cluster Computing: Architectures and Systems.
Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA, pp. 202-203
ISBN 0-13-013784-7
Schikuta, Erich and Stockinger, Heinz
High Performance Cluster Computing: Architectures and Systems.
Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA, pp. 441-464
ISBN 0-13-013784-7
Schikuta, Erich and Wanek, Helmut
In: Fifth International Conference on Parallel Computing Technology PaCT'99
, 2002-09-01
, St. Petersburg
Schikuta, Erich and Wanek, Helmut and Stockinger, Kurt and Fuerle, Thomas
In: 2nd International Conference on Parallel Computing Systems PCS'99
, 2002-08-01
, Ensenada, Mexico
Sowa, K. and Bubak, M. and Funika, W. and Wism?ller, R.
In: Proceedings of the Proc. Conference HPCN Europe 1999
, unknown
Träff, Jesper Larsson
In: Proceedings of the The 1999 Workshop on Cluster-Based Computing held in conjunction with 13th ACM-SIGARCH International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS'99)
, Rhodes, Greece
Träff, Jesper Larsson
In: Proceedings of the Third MPI Developer's and User's Conference (MPIDC'99)
, Atlanta, GA, USA
Träff, Jesper Larsson
In: Proceedings of the Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface. 6th European PVM/MPI Users' Group Meeting
, Barcelona, Spain
Träff, Jesper Larsson
Parallel Computing, 25 (2).
Träff, Jesper Larsson
In: Proceedings of the Euro-Par'99 Parallel Processing
, Toulouse, France
Tutschku, Kurt
In: Proceedings of the 3rd European Personal Mobile Communication Conference (EPMCC'99)
, Paris, France
Tutschku, Kurt
PhD thesis
Tutschku, Kurt and Tran-Gia, P. and Heuler, M.
In: Proceedings of the 16th International Teletraffic Congress - ITC16
, 2009-08-21
, Edinburgh, UK
Westermann, Gerd Utz and Klas, Wolfgang
Technical Report.
University of Ulm
Westermann, Gerd Utz and Klas, Wolfgang
In: First International Workshop on Multimedia Intelligent Storage and Retrieval Management (MISRM)
, 1999-10-01
, Orlando, Florida
Winiwarter, Werner
In: 4th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems
, 1999-06-26
, Klagenfurt, Austria
Winiwarter, Werner
In: AIED-99 World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education
, 1999-07-19
, Le Mans, France
Winiwarter, Werner
In: 5th International Congress on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering
, 1999-08-26
, Innsbruck, Austria
Winiwarter, Werner
International Journal of Information Technology, 5 (1).
Winiwarter, Werner
In: 10th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications
, 1999-09-02
, Florence, Italy
Winiwarter, Werner and Merkl, D. and Schweighofer, E.
Artificial Intelligence and Law, 7 (2).
Zima, Hans and Chapman, B. and Mehrotra, P.
Technical Report.
Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems, University of Vienna
Zima, Hans and Laure, E. and Haines, M. and Mehrotra, P.
In: Proceedings of the EuroPar'99 Parallel Processing
, unknown
Zima, Hans and Laure, E. and Haines, M. and Mehrotra, P.
Technical Report.
Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems, University of Vienna
Zima, Hans and Laure, E. and Mehrotra, P.
Technical Report.
Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems, University of Vienna
Zima, Hans and Laure, E. and Mehrotra, P.
Parallel Processing Letters, 9 (2).
pp. 275-289