Items where Year is 1998
Number of items: 107.
Benkner, Siegfried
In: Proceedings of the Proc. HPCN 98
, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Benkner, Siegfried
Technical Report.
Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems, University of Vienna
Benkner, Siegfried and Laure, Erwin and Zima, Hans
Project Report.
Benkner, Siegfried and Mehrotra, P. and Van Rosendale, J. and Zima, Hans
Making its Mark - Seventh ECMWF Workshop on the Use of Parallel Processors in Meteorology.
World Scientific Publishing Co.
Benkner, Siegfried and Mehrotra, P. and Van Rosendale, J. and Zima, Hans
In: Proceedings of the Proc. Int. Conf. on Supercomputing (ICS'98)
, Melbourne, Australia
Benkner, Siegfried and Neuhold, Christian and Egger, M. and Sanjari, K. and Sipkova, Vera and Velkov, B.
In: Proceedings of the Proc. Int. Conf. on Compilers for Parallel Computers (CPC'98)
, Linköping, Sweden
Benkner, Siegfried and Sanjari, K. and Sipkova, Vera
Project Report.
Benkner, Siegfried and Sanjari, K. and Sipkova, V. and Velkov, B.
In: Proceedings of the Proc. HPCN 98
, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Benkner, Siegfried and Sanjari, K. and Sipkova, V. and Velkov, B.
Technical Report.
Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems, University of Vienna
Boll, Susanne and Klas, Wolfgang and Battaglin, Bernhard
ACM Sigmod Record - Special Issue on Electronic Commerce, 27 (4).
p. 48
Brezany, Peter
In: Proceedings of the Proc. Workshop on Out-of-Core Computation (COCA'98)
, Cap Hornu, France
Brezany, Peter and Dang, M.
In: Proceedings of the Proc. International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'98)
, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Brezany, Peter and Dang, M. and Choudhary, A.
In: Proceedings of the Proc. 4th International Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Run-Time Systems for Scalable Computers (LCR'98)
, Pittsburgh, USA
Brezany, Peter and Fahringer, T. and Di Martino, B. and Pantano, M. and Pozgaj, A. and Sowa, K. and Wender, B.
In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual HPF User Group Meeting held in conjunction with VECPAR'98
, Porto, Portugal
Calzarossa, M. and Massari, L. and Merlo, A. and Pantano, M. and Tessera, D.
In: Proceedings of the Proc. HPCN 98
, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Di Martino, B.
Journal of Information Science and Engineering, special issue on Compiler Techniques for High-Performance Computing (in print), unknow (unknow).
Eder, Johann and Frank, Heinz
In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (IFCIS 1998)
, 1998-08-20
, New York, USA
Eder, Johann and Groiss, Herbert
In: 15th IFIP World Computer Congress - Telecooperation Conference
, 1998-08-31
, Vienna, Austria
Eder, Johann and Groiss, Herbert and Liebhart, Walter
In: NATO Advanced Study Institute on Workflow Management Systems (WFMS)
, 1997-08-12
, Istanbul, Turkey
Eder, Johann and Dobrovnik, Michael
In: Advances in Databases and Information Systems, Proc. of 2nd East European Symposium, ADBIS 1998
, 1998-09-07
, Poznan, Poland
Eder, Johann and Rossak, W.
Technical Report.
Eder, Johann and Liebhart, Walter
In: EDBT Workshop on Workflow Management Systems
, 2006-01-05
, Valencia, Spain
Fahringer, T.
Journal of Supercomputing, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 12 (3).
pp. 227-252
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Fahringer, T.
Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems, 13 (1997/9).
pp. 385-396
Elsevier Science, North-Holland
Gansterer, Wilfried and Kvasnicka, D. F. and Ueberhuber, C. W.
In: VECPAR'98 - Third International Conference for Vector and Parallel Processing
, 1998-06-21
, Porto, Portugal
Haring, Günter
Technical Report.
BMWV-Project (GZ 607.520/1-V/B/9/98)
Haring, Günter
Technical Report.
BMWV-Project (GZ 607.517/1-VIII/B/9/97)
Haring, Günter and Lüthi, Johannes
Performance Evaluation, 32 (1).
p. 185
Haring, Günter and Marie, R. and Tendjoukian, K. and Ulrich, R.
In: International Conference on Telecommunications
, 1998-01-01
, keine Angabe
Haring, Günter and Puliafito, A. and Tomarchio, O. and Kotsis, G. and Kotsis, Gabriele
In: International Conference on Telecommunications
, 1998-01-01
, keine Angabe
Haring, Günter and Raghavan, S.V. and Srinivasan, V. and Priya, N.V.
In: Workshop on Workload Characterization in High Performance Computing Environments
, 1998-01-01
, keine Angabe
Haring, Günter and Tomarchio, O. and Kotsis, G. and Puliafito, A. and Kotsis, Gabriele
In: 2nd IASTED International Conference: European Parallel and Distributed Systems
, 1998-01-01
, keine Angabe
Hitz, Martin and Neuhold, Karin
In: OOPSLA#98, Workshop #25
, 1998-10-22
, Vancouver, Canada
Hlavackova-Schindler, Katerina
In: UKACC International Conference on CONTROL ‘98
, 1-4 September, 1998
, Swansea, United Kingdom
Hlavackova-Schindler, Katerina
Dealing with Complexity: A Neural Networks Approach.
Springer, pp. 205-220
Hlavackova-Schindler, Katerina
Dealing with Complexity: A Neural Networks Approach.
Springer, pp. 205-220
Hlavackova-Schindler, Katerina and Sanguineti, M.
In: International ICSC/IFAC Symposium on Neural Computation (NC'98)
, 1998-09-01
, Vienna, Austria
Hlavackova-Schindler, Katerina and Sanguineti, M.
In: 3rd IEEE European Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing 1998
, 1998
, Prague, Czech Republic
Hlavackova-Schindler, Katerina and Sanguineti, M.
In: 3rd IEEE European Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing 1998
, 1998
, Prague, Czech Republic
Hlavackova-Schindler, Katerina and Sanguineti, Marcello
In: 3rd European IEEE Workshop CMP'98
, September 7-9, 1998
, Prague, Czechia
Hlavacs, Helmut and Ueberhuber, C. W.
Technical Report.
Huemer, Christian
In: 6th European Conference on Information Systems
, 1998-06-01
, Aix-en-Provence, France
Huemer, Christian
In: Internation Workshop on Business Process Reengineering and Supporting Technologies for Electronic Commerce
, 1998-08-01
, Vienna, Austria
Höller, Johann and Pils, M. and Zlabinger, R.
Klas, Wolfgang and Sheth, Amit
(In Press)
Klas, Wolfgang and Boll, Susanne and Sheth, Amit
Multimedia Data Management: Using Metadata to Integrate and Aplly Digital Media.
Kotsis, Gabriele and Braun, M.
Technical Report.
University of Vienna
Kotsis, Gabriele and Braun, Markus
Future Generation Computing Systems, ? (16).
597 - 607
Kotsis, Gabriele and Ferscha, Alois and Johnson, James and Anglano, Cosimo
In: 6th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS '98)
, 1998-07-19
, Montreal, Canada
Kotsis, Gabriele and Krithivasa, K. and Raghavan, S. V.
Performance and Management of Complex Communication Networks, ? (?).
153 - 173
Chapman and Hall
Kröner, S. and Nölle, M. and Schreiber, G.
In: Proceedings of the Proc. International Symposium on Neural Computation
, Vienna, Austria
Kröner, S. and Nölle, M. and Schreiber, G.
Technical Report.
Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems, University of Vienna
Kurkova, Vera and Savicky, Petr and Hlavackova-Schindler, Katerina
pp. 651-659
ISSN 0893-6080
Elsevier Science Ltd.
Kurzion, Yair and Möller, Torsten and Yagel, Roni
In: IEEE Conference on Visualization 1998
, Oct 18 - 23
, North Carolina
Laure, E. and Chapman, B.
In: Proceedings of the Proceedings HPCN Europe 1998
, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Mehofer, Eduard
Technical Report.
PhD thesis, Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems, University of Vienna
Mehofer, Eduard and Fahringer, T.
In: Proceedings of the Proc. 12th ACM International Conference on Supercomputing
, Melbourne, Australia
Mehofer, Eduard and Knoop, J.
Technical Report.
Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems, University of Vienna
Merlin, J. H. and Baden, S. B. and Fink, S. J. and Chapman, B.
In: Proceedings of the High Performance Computing and Networking: Proc. HPCN Europe 1998
, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Mueller, Klaus and Möller, Torsten and Swan II, J. Ed and Crawfis, Roger A. and Shareef, Naeem and Yagel, Roni
ISSN 1077-2626
Möller, Torsten and Mueller, Klaus and Kurzion, Yair and Machiraju, Raghu and Yagel, Roni
In: IEEE Symposium on Volume Visualization 1998
, 19-20 Oct.
, North Carolina
Nölle, M. and Pantano, M. and Sun, X.
In: Proceedings of the Proc. International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'98)
, Las Vegas, USA
Nölle, M. and Pantano, M. and Sun, X.
Technical Report.
Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems, University of Vienna
Quirchmayr, Gerald
International Review of Law Computers & Technology, 12 (1).
p. 7
Quirchmayr, Gerald
Internet und Intranet: Betriebliche Anwendungen und Auswirkungen.
Quirchmayr, Gerald and Bouloukos, A.C. and Rhomberg, W.
In: 9th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications
, 1998-08-01
, Vienna, Austria
Quirchmayr, Gerald and Fisseha, F.
In: XV. IFIP World Computer Congress
, 1998-08-31
, Vienna, Austria
Quirchmayr, Gerald and Katic, N. and Schiefer, J. and Stolba, M. and Tjoa, A Min
In: 9th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications
, 1998-08-01
, Vienna, Austria
Quirchmayr, Gerald and Scheithauer, D.
In: 10th Conference on Expert Systems Applications and Artificial Intelligence
, 1998-01-02
, keine Angabe
Quirchmayr, Gerald and de Korvin, A. and Hashemi, S. and Kleyle, R.
In: 9th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications
, 1998-08-01
, Vienna, Austria
Riegler, Johanna and Betz, Fritz and Schwarz, Irene
Schikuta, Erich and Brunner, Christian and Schultes, Christian
In: 8th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'98)
, 1998-09-01
, Skoevde, Sweden
Schikuta, Erich and Brunner, Christian and Schultes, Christian
In: International ICSC/IFAC Symposium on Neural Computation (NC'98)
, 1998-09-01
, Vienna, Austria
Schikuta, Erich and Erhart, Martin
In: 2nd Int. Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition
, 1998-08-01
, Sydney, Australia
Schikuta, Erich and Wanek, Helmut and Fuerle, Thomas
In: Euro-Par'98
, 1998-09-01
, Southampton, England
Schikuta, Erich and Wanek, Helmut and Fuerle, Thomas and Loeffelhardt, Christoph and Stockinger, Kurt
In: EuroPVM/MPI98
, 1998-09-01
, Liverpool
Schikuta, Erich and Wanek, Helmut and Mück, Thomas and Stockinger, Heinz and Stockinger, Kurt and Fuerle, Thomas and Jorns, Oliver and Loeffelhardt, Christoph and Brezany, Peter and Dang, Minh
Technical Report.
Endbericht FWF Forschungsprojekt P11006-MAT
Schikuta, Erich and Wanek, Helmut and Fuerle, Thomas
In: 6th International Workshop on Distributed Data Processing
, 1998-06-01
, Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia
Schikuta, Erich and Wanek, Helmut and Fuerle, Thomas and Stockinger, Kurt
In: SPAA Revue
, 1998-06-01
, Puerto Valarte, Mexico
Schikuta, Erich and Wanek, Helmut and Fuerle, Thomas and Stockinger, Kurt
Technical Report.
Inst. f. Angewandte Informatik u. Informationssysteme
Sun, X. and Pantano, M. and Fahringer, T.
In: Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference on Parallel Processing
, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Träff, Jesper Larsson
In: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Algorithm Engineering WAE'98
, Saarbrücken, Germany
Träff, Jesper Larsson
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 49 (1).
Träff, Jesper Larsson
In: Proceedings of the Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface. 5th European PVM/MPI Users' Group Meeting
, Liverpool, UK
Tutschku, Kurt
In: Proceedings of the IEEE Infocom 98
, San Francisco, CA, USA
Tutschku, Kurt and Mathar, R. and Niessen, T.
In: Proceedings of the IEEE/VTS 48th Vehicular Technology Conference
, 2009-08-21
, Ottawa, Canada
Tutschku, Kurt and Tran-Gia, P. and Leibnitz, K.
In: Proceedings of the 11th ITC Specialist Seminar
, 2009-08-28
, Yokohama, Japan
Westermann, Gerd Utz
Masters thesis
Winiwarter, Werner
In: 9th Australasian Database Conference
, 1998-02-05
, Perth, Australia
Winiwarter, Werner
In: 6th Iberoamerican Conference on Artificial Intelligence
, 1998-10-02
, Lisbon, Portugal
Winiwarter, Werner
Informatik Forum, 12 (3).
Winiwarter, Werner and Kambayashi, Y. and Zukerman, I.
Winiwarter, Werner and Pernul, G. and Tjoa, A Min
Data & Knowledge Engineering, 26 (3).
Winiwarter, Werner and Schweighofer, E. and Merkl, D.
European Journal of Law, Philosophy and Computer Science, 1 (1).
Zima, Hans and Chapman, B. and Mehrotra, P.
In: Proceedings of the Proc. ECMWF Workshop "Towards Teracomputing -- The Use of Parallel Processors in Meteorology"
, Reading, England
Zima, Hans and Laure, E. and Mehrotra, P.
In: Proceedings of the Proc.Workshop on Programming Environments, Clusters, and Computational Grids for Scientific Computing
, Blackberry Farm, Tennessee
Zima, Hans and Mehrotra, P. and Van Rosendale, J.
Parallel Computing (in print), unknow (unknow).
Zima, Hans and Mehrotra, P. and Van Rosendale, J.
In: Proceedings of the Proc. Fourth International Workshop on Applied Parallel Computing (PARA'98)
, unknown
Zima, Hans and Mehrotra, P. and Van Rosendale, J.
IEEE Computational Science & Engineering, 5 (2).
pp. 64-75
Zima, Hans and Mehrotra, P. and Van Rosendale, J.
Technical Report.
Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems, University of Vienna